About Me


About Me
Photo Gallery
The Wedding
Summer 2002
Winter 2003


Welcome to my Web site!

Hello my name is Grifftari and I am from New Jersey...

The Photo on the left was taken in Ocean City Maryland January 1989, in front one of the many Clam Boats I worked on. . .The Photo on the right was taken while Long Line Fishing off the coast of South Carolina. That is a 200 lbs. Hammerhead Shark, . . .Ever hear the one about the man eating shark. . . I ate this one. . . Ha , ha , ha!

I was on Kilimanjaro in 1984 and I remember Kibo Hut well, it was still in the process of being built. Local men were carrying up the lumber on their heads. The funny part was as we were struggling with the thin air these men were blowing by us and heading back down for another load. That's endurance!



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This site was last updated 07/25/03