Thursday June 20, 2002 -- Well this is what we did on the Boys first day of the Summer 2002. It was a great day at the wash, the sun was shining, the temperature was hot, and the water was cool. Yeeeehaaaa! Friday June 21, 2002 -- Back to the wash, and what a great day! Hot too. . . Wednesday July 3, 2002 -- Well we wanted to show a buddy of mine from work the Wash, and beat the heat. So we hung at the Wash and ate lunch. Then Ed went home and the boys and I went to the Weymouth Furnace and cooled our selves in the Egg Harbor River. Thursday July 4, 2002 -- Well it was the hottest day of the summer so far, we spent sometime cooling off at the wash. Wednesday July 10, 2002 -- Well it is no surprise we went to the wash again, and we brought our fishing poles. On the way into the wash we encountered a few box turtles that were cooling off in the puddles along the trail in. The boys did not want them to get crushed by our tires, and moved them out of the way. Thursday July 11, 2002 -- The Boys and I went to visit with their Uncle Bob and his Family. Afterwards we went to our favorite crabbing spot behind the Linwood Country Club. The tide was dead low so we decided to do a little fishing and Bob and my niece rode their bikes down to join in the fun.